Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Bright Acoustic Piano

Gitaar 1
Electric Guitar (muted]

Acoustic Bass


Gitaar 2
Overdriven Guitar

Gitaar 3
Acoustic Guitar (steel]

Stem 2
Voice Oohs

Spoor 8
Electric Guitar (clean]
Just a nor mal day Streets turn in to graves Tra ces have been re moved The search was dis ap proved So cold the night The weak ones lose the fight So many of them outthere No one seems to care Lost and so a lone Born but ne ver known Left all on their own For got ten chil dren You'll ne ver hear a name They car ry all the blame Too young to break the chains For got ten chil dren They see They feel Be ieve Just like we do They're lau ghing And cry ing Wan na live here Like me and you Eyes wi thout light So ti red of good byes Ne ver felt em braced And frightened of e ve ry face A life in dis guise Hope for e ver dies Lost and so a lone Born but nev er known Left all on their own For got ten chil dren You'll ne ver hear a name They car ry all the blame Too young to break the chains For got ten chil dren They see They feel Be lieve Just like we do They're lau ghing And cry ing Wan na live here Like me and you It shouldn't reall y be that way It shouldn't rea lly be that way We see We feel Be lieve Just like you We're lau ghing And cry ing Wan na live here We see We feel Be lieve Just like you We're laug hing And cry ing Wan na live here Just like you